Love is Everything and Everywhere

Hello wonderful readers,

Happy Monday!

I am finding it hard to put into words the amount of emotions and sensations I am currently experiencing. Last week's post was the most viewed post to date on this blog. It is currently sitting at over 2,000 views 
- I am at a loss for words. Two thousand eyes viewed and consumed last weeks post. 

Thank you.

Some may read this statistic and think, "Jenny, 2,000 is not that many views, you are silly." When I started this blog back in July, my goal was to write and reach maybe one person, even if that one person was my amazing husband Trevor. 😊 Watching last week's post views grow was what kept me strong and positive as I went through treatment for five days. As I sat in a chair, hooked to a machine receiving medication to help me mend, I watched the view count rise and it uplifted my spirit. Because of you, my goal of reaching one person has been surpassed time and time again. For that, I will be forever grateful.
Thank you for helping me reach my goal for this Blog. Your love and support will stay with me for a lifetime and no words I could share here today will do justice for my appreciation.

Thank you.

I am awestruck by the amount of people who reached out to me and shared that last week's post came at "exactly the right time". Last week's post was one I took a great deal of time composing, crafting, and editing in order to express the amount of feelings I was currently experiencing with my health. 
The content from last week left me feeling vulnerable and exposed because I was uncertain if my positive intention would be received with open and accepting arms. I was tired beyond measure, my eyes had cried so many tears that the idea of producing more was nauseating, but I felt something turning within me to share and I am so glad I did.

Some of the words and expressions flowed effortlessly out of me as I opened my soul to share my vulnerabilities with you. It felt good to allow these expressions to depart from me because they were ones I knew to be true in my heart, and possibly the hearts of one other souls on this planet. 

The amount of people who reached out to me last week was staggering in the most beautiful way. Hearing your stories and how last week's post was able to offer a space of commonality, strength, and unity is the reason I am here. Being here with you and for you is the reason I am composing. You are all my inspiration for blogging. Because of you, this platform exists and is reaching others.

Thank YOU for reaching out. Thank YOU for the endless love and support. Thank YOU for trusting and opening up to me. Thank YOU for allowing this to be a safe and open space. Thank YOU for showing me the strength and grace that exists within the human spirit. Thank YOU for being YOU.
With the popularity of last week's post, it caused me to sit back and reflect on what was shared. Of course I asked the question; "what was shared that was so special, and why were so many individuals drawn to it?" As I reflected over the past week, these are some of the thoughts that came to mind that I would like to share with you this week:

Hearing the words, "you are not alone" is extremely comforting.
Knowing we do not have to face times of trouble alone and having someone or something as a safety net to catch us is crucial. 

We crave a sense of comfort, understanding, and security in times of adversity.
Law of attraction is a real thing. Thoughts become reality.
Hitting "bottom" shows you a unique, panoramic view of life's endless possibilities; all we have to do is open our eyes and look up.
We were not made to go through life alone. We were made to connect, relate, experience, bond, grow, move, celebrate, cry, laugh, love, heal, and just BE together. We are truly better together.
We are all traveling through this beautiful process called life collecting experiences and looking for human connection in some way shape or form.
Lastly, love is everything and everywhere.

The post last week, and even this week, stems from an area of my heart and soul I had not yet explored and unlocked. I have found a great space of peace and clarity from our common human experiences.

Being able to let out these sensations and the loss of my health made the story less unique to me, and allowed me to feel what so many others feel around the world.
I do not feel my situation is any more special than anyone else. I do not feel as though the words shared were anything of excellence, but they are so common in everyone's human experience that we all connected and need to hear them. Words should not go without being unsaid.

We all bonded over common situations and emotions that arise in everyone's reality all too often. We have found people we are able to heal with, and that alone is my life mission and purpose in motion.

Thank you for allowing me to speak what my heart has been full of in a safe and accepting space. Thank you. 

I see you. I value you. I honor you. I love you.

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