Back on Track

Hello wonderful readers,

Happy Monday!
I cannot believe January is coming to an end and this week Thursday starts February! WHAT! Where did the time go? It is crazy how fast 2018 is going.

I have seen articles being shared lately with headlines such as "By January 18th, most people have already stopped perusing their New Year's goals" or "80% of New Year's resolutions fail by February".

So I wanted to stop and honestly ask, have you set intentions for 2018 and have gotten busy and allowed them to fall to the wayside? If so, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If you are rocking every single one of your New Year goals, go you!!

I am speaking from personal experience when I tell you that I have set goals and intentions for 2018 and some have been put on the back burner. Life gets busy, and we can plan and prepare for almost every situation, but things come up that were not part of our plan. It happens to the best of us.

My first point of advice would be to go easy on yourself. Beating yourself down and blaming yourself is not the greatest motivator to get back on track. Admitting to yourself that you have, or possible have not, strayed from your New Year's goals is the largest obstacle. Once you do this, it's smooth sailing from here. If you have already done this first step, give yourself some credit!! You are already past the hardest part! 
Pick yourself up and pat yourself on the back - feel free to do this literally or not, it's completely up to you.

The next piece of advice I would like to pass along is to pick up the notebook you wrote all of those beautiful goals or intentions down and remind yourself what you wanted to accomplish this year. As you glance at the list or set of words, try and re-frame your mind to see how ambitious and optimistic you were just a few short weeks ago. This optimism still lives inside of you, even if you have not fulfilled them all yet. You have plenty of year left to get back on track and accomplish your goals. 

I would try and refrain from crossing off any goals you had at the beginning of the year if the list looks daunting. Remind yourself that it is January and you have so much time left to accomplish everything on your list. Keep every goal or aspiration on the list, it was placed there for a reason, so please do not take that goal off your list. Stay positive.
Ask yourself, what can I do right now and today to move forward and achieve the item(s) on your list? If you feel inclined, write down this idea so you can return to it in the future.

Next, get up and move around. It can be as simple as standing up and doing a few arm stretches. Get the blood pumping through your veins and feel your heart beating in your chest. When we stay stuck or sitting for too long, it's very easy to become engulfed in negative emotions or thoughts. We can get stuck on the slippery slop of negativity and we might be waiting for someone to come along and pick us up.

Let me tell you a little secret, you are the person who is going to pull yourself up. 
You are the person you have been waiting for.

Now that you are up moving around, ask yourself who can you pair with or team with to hold each other accountable for accomplishing your goals? It sometimes takes asking for help to remain on track and stay optimistic, so grab a buddy. It could be a family member, friend, or loved one. Heck, it could be your pet who reminds you to stay active and possibly take them on walks. (Yes, I am looking at my dog Riley as I type this. She is an amazing reminder to get up, play, and go outside and get some fresh air.)

My hope is after reading these suggestions, whether you might have fallen off the New Year's goal wagon or not, you feel inspired and motivated to do yourself and this world some good. This world needs all of the potential housed within you. The world needs your ideas, your love, your creations, your inventions, and so on. The world needs the greatness that is YOU!

You can do this.
You can and will get back on track and fulfill each of your goals! 
Do you believe in yourself? Because I believe in you! You got this!

Now go out into the world and start accomplishing all of your goals!!

It's Monday, a beautiful start to another week, filled with endless opportunities and potential.

Have an amazing week everyone. I cannot wait to see each of you crushing your goals this week and every week to come in 2018.

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