Pause and Express Thanks

Hello wonderful readers,

Happy Monday!

Thank you all for dedicating last to spend more time with your loved ones as we honored those we lost in Florida in the previous week.

During the week of silence, I too took extra time and spent it with my family and loved ones. I am someone who strongly believes in practicing what I preach, so I please know the topics I write on, and the suggestions I give to you, I do myself too.
I like to think we are doing them all together, for we are a community, and I thank you for that.

Over the weekend my husband and I had the privilege of getting together with our friends on Friday night, spending Saturday and Saturday evening with my parents, and Sunday with Trevor's family. We spent the entire weekend surrounded by loved ones, had lots of great food, and of course, lots of laughs.

There were several moments this weekend while conversations were occurring with our families that I paused to say "thank you".

I find myself practicing this form of appreciation often when I feel the need to pause, look around, listen to the words, the sounds, the laughter, the music, or even the air that surrounds me and acknowledge all of the blessings. This simple task grounds me back into the present moment and allows internal gratitude.

I recently listened to the Super Soul Sunday podcast with Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou. During this podcast, Maya Angelou shared how she expresses moments of thanks, not only in the positive or happy moments, but even in moments of negativity and sadness. Maya Angelou even spoke with a young Oprah Winfrey many moons ago, when Oprah lost a job and call Maya for guidance. Maya told Oprah to say "thank you" for losing her job. (I mean how amazing is it that Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey uplift one another in such a way.) This is something we all should do for one another in times of tragedy and triumph - We should be uplifting one another all of the time.

This is something I will admit I do not do often enough. I am a work in progress and I have my faults. This podcast caused me to pause and gave me a different way to view things. 

Our struggles and our successes make us who we are supposed to be, and we should give thanks during the process.

So often we go through our day to day lives and we forget to stop to notice the simple things. We forget to express gratitude, not only the great things that arise in our life, but also the things we don't view as good right away. We all have heard many times to be thankful, but how often do we stop what we are doing, stop the chase and the chaos that occurs during our day to say "thank you"?

In the moments that it is hardest to express gratitude, we should spend extra time to say thank you.

So I challenge you this week, and every week moving forward, to stop and say "thank you". Say thank you for the great things, and especially say thanks for the not so great things happening in your life.

If you are interested in listening to this inspiring conversation yourself, click here to listen to part one, and here to listen to part two.

Thank you all so much for reading this week's post. I value you greatly.

Have a beautiful week everyone.

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