Successful Snow Day
Hello wonderful readers,
Happy Monday!
I hope you are all staying warm and dry here in Wisconsin or elsewhere if you are currently experiencing snowy weather.
Thank you all so much for reading last week's post about my current gluten free diet and the benefits I have experienced thus far. I loved hearing your feedback, opinions, and insight on being gluten free. As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and feedback whether you agree with the content, or have another opinion on it. I am someone who enjoys to hear your opinions on topics while learning more myself along the way. I am open to your insight, so please feel free to share. The only thing I do ask is that is shared with a positive intention and not in a hurtful, harmful, or in malicious manor. I am always open to learning more, so share, share, and share some more.
I love hearing from you!!
Currently, here in Wisconsin where I am writing from, there is icy, white, snow falling from the sky and it has officially been named winter blizzard Evelyn. If you are reading from another location that is warm, feel free to send some warm weather and positive vibes our way. We would greatly appreciate our spring season sometime very soon.
I am not an individual who checks the weather every day, so when I heard we were going to get a lot of snow over the weekend, I turned to my weather application on my phone. As soon as I saw the little snowflake and storm cloud symbol my mood completely shifted. Please do not get me wrong, I like snow, I do live in Wisconsin after all. I do not like snow when it is to be our spring season and I am itching to play outside. So reading that we are getting snow in April changed my mood very quickly.
When I get in these moody slumps, I don't even like being around myself, let alone being around other individuals. I feel like a lump on a log and downright icky. I refuse to stay in these icky moods, so I wanted to share with you what I do personally to get out of these funky moods. If there is anything you do when are down in the dumps, feel free to comment below or contact me directly. I would like to hear your ideas and possibly try them out in my own life!
These positive options can be used if you are like me and currently stuck inside against my will due to the weather, or if you are having an off day. We all have off days and it can sometimes feel impossible to get out, but I would urge you to try some of these options and see if your mood changes for the better.
These options are not listed in any particular order, so feel free to implement them into your life as you see fit. My hope is that these suggestions lead you to have a better, more positive day indoors.
1. Notice, accept that you are in a funk, and move on positively.
If we live in denial that we are in an off mood, we will never be able to make positive changes to get out of it. We all have our off days or days where we are stuck inside due to uncontrollable circumstances. If we start to see and feel we are in a weird state, we can start by noticing it and accepting it. When I say accepting it, I do not mean to say you need to roll over and allow this feeling to control you. Accept that it is okay to feel this way, but we don't want to stay in the state forever. You can and will change your mood for the better. Notice, accept, and move on from this feeling.
2. This is out of your control.
The current situation I am in, and possibly many of you are in, is that we are stuck inside due to the weather. We cannot control the weather. There are days I wish I could snap my fingers and the weather would instantly be sunny and 75 (queue up the song by Joe Nichols). Unfortunately, I am not in control of the weather, neither are you, and neither are the weather men and woman. Please do not throw your hands up and say "it's out of my control, there is nothing that can be done to shake this feeling" because there is something that can be done to take advantage of this time while you are stuck inside or experiencing a down feeling. We can learn a lot about ourselves if we stop and see how we are choosing to respond to things outside of our control. This year one of my goals has been to eliminate stress from my life as much as possible. Learning to respond positively to things that are truly out of my control and flip my thoughts from negative to positive is a way I let go of stress over things out of my hands. You can do this too, so please do.
3. Take advantage of the time you have been given.
Yes, you have been granted this time inside. You have been given another day on this glorious planet we call Earth. Yes, mother nature can be ridiculous sometimes, but we can use our time wisely and get ahead today to set ourselves up for a better day tomorrow.
4. Move around and exercise if you can.
Some of us might have the luxury of owning workout equipment in our living quarters. If you do, please exercise. Get up and move around. I know it is VERY tempting to stay sedentary all day and sulk. I feel you. I know it is so easy to throw on the television and stay there all day with a quart of ice cream. If you do this, think of how you will feel at the end of the day and even tomorrow. You will not thank yourself for this. If you are healthy and able to move around, please do. If you want to sit in front of the television, that is your personal choice, but I highly suggest even doing some passive movement such as stretching. If you are like Trevor and I and do not have workout equipment in our home, you can still work out and be active. You don't even need a yoga mat to get up and move around. Feel free to do some sit ups, push ups, crunches, or another ab activity right on your floor. Maybe you walk up and down the stairs a few times, do fifteen jumping jacks, complete twenty rounds of Sun A (for my yogi's and yogini's out there), or do five minutes of high knees. Do something to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. It doesn't need to be anything fancy or noteworthy, just do something active. You have been gifted this day, so move around and see how your mood shifts.
5. Listen to something positive.
This can be your favorite music or podcast. I do this all of the time. On days I wake up and need to shake myself out of the funk, I throw on my jam or favorite podcast. If you are not currently a podcast listener, I would highly suggest looking into it. There are so many amazing podcasts out there on every topic under the sun (or under the snow in our case currently). Notice how listening to something uplifting changes you to feel better.
6. Check some tasks off your to-do list.
We all have our to-do lists. You might be someone who writes it down, has it stored in your phone, or even saved in your mind. If you are stuck inside and there are tasks that can be done to check off your list, do them. Clean the bathroom, sweep the floors, clean out that junk drawer you have been saving for "a rainy day". The tasks can be small or large. Use this time to provide yourself some relief and get ahead on indoor chores.
7. Minimize!
Some of you might have seen this one coming! Part of this blog is dedicated to minimalism, so I had to include something so near and dear to my heart in this post. Use this time stuck indoor to go through your drawers and closets. Pull out your items and start sorting through your physical items. Separate them out into five piles:
1. items you love and that you wear and feel good in.
2. Items you want to keep but aren't entirely sure as to why.
3. Items you like, but might not fit perfectly anymore or items you don't feel good in.
4. Items that you can separate with right now that can be donated.
5. Items that are not in good physical condition that can be thrown away.
When you are done going through one area, give yourself a minute to appreciate your minimalism efforts and notice how much lighter you feel.
I love time I can part with items that are holding me down, so use this time to minimize away. Don't feel like you have to stop at one closet or space. Feel free to purge your entire house if you feel up to it!
8. Make something.
This can be an art or craft, or it can be cooking. If there is a recipe you have been wanting to try, give it a go. Make sure you have all of the materials needed for the craft, art, or recipe before you start. Use the time inside to create something you are proud of. You can even combine this option with number five and put on your favorite music or podcast! This option can also be doing something for yourself or using this time indoors as a moments for self care. Take a bath with some candles, cut and paint your nails, do that face mask you have been waiting to try. Do something to take care of yourself today.
9. Read a magazine, book, or even a blog.
Is there a magazine or book that has been on your coffee table or shelf for too long. Crack that bad boy open! Enjoy the content inside that you have been wanting to consume while you are indoors. If there is a blog, this one or another one, that you are wanting to catch up on, use this time to read the past posts or read the ones that are sitting in your inbox. Use this time to expand your mind and grow internally. It's a beautiful option even if you are not stuck indoors, so use this option anytime.
10. Connect.
Last, but certainly not least, connect. If you live with others, talk to them. Have a conversation, play a board game, or complete one of the above options together. If you do not currently live with others, feel free to give someone a call. Is there someone you have been meaning to reconnect with? Write someone a hand written note and put it in the mailbox to send out. The time spent indoors can be used to reconnect and strengthen your relationship with yourself and others.
Thank you all so much for reading this weeks post.
Be sure to subscribe to receive blog posts right to your personal email. All you have to do is click the "subscribe" button located in the top right hand corner of this post. It takes less than thirty seconds to do. I promise you will only receive the blog content and no junk mail.
I would greatly appreciate your continued readership.
Stay dry and warm my beautiful readers. Have a great week!
Subscribe, comment, share.
Together, we rise. One breath at a time.
Make a difference, light the way, share your story today.
Happy Monday!
I hope you are all staying warm and dry here in Wisconsin or elsewhere if you are currently experiencing snowy weather.
Thank you all so much for reading last week's post about my current gluten free diet and the benefits I have experienced thus far. I loved hearing your feedback, opinions, and insight on being gluten free. As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and feedback whether you agree with the content, or have another opinion on it. I am someone who enjoys to hear your opinions on topics while learning more myself along the way. I am open to your insight, so please feel free to share. The only thing I do ask is that is shared with a positive intention and not in a hurtful, harmful, or in malicious manor. I am always open to learning more, so share, share, and share some more.
I love hearing from you!!
Currently, here in Wisconsin where I am writing from, there is icy, white, snow falling from the sky and it has officially been named winter blizzard Evelyn. If you are reading from another location that is warm, feel free to send some warm weather and positive vibes our way. We would greatly appreciate our spring season sometime very soon.
I am not an individual who checks the weather every day, so when I heard we were going to get a lot of snow over the weekend, I turned to my weather application on my phone. As soon as I saw the little snowflake and storm cloud symbol my mood completely shifted. Please do not get me wrong, I like snow, I do live in Wisconsin after all. I do not like snow when it is to be our spring season and I am itching to play outside. So reading that we are getting snow in April changed my mood very quickly.
When I get in these moody slumps, I don't even like being around myself, let alone being around other individuals. I feel like a lump on a log and downright icky. I refuse to stay in these icky moods, so I wanted to share with you what I do personally to get out of these funky moods. If there is anything you do when are down in the dumps, feel free to comment below or contact me directly. I would like to hear your ideas and possibly try them out in my own life!
These positive options can be used if you are like me and currently stuck inside against my will due to the weather, or if you are having an off day. We all have off days and it can sometimes feel impossible to get out, but I would urge you to try some of these options and see if your mood changes for the better.
These options are not listed in any particular order, so feel free to implement them into your life as you see fit. My hope is that these suggestions lead you to have a better, more positive day indoors.
1. Notice, accept that you are in a funk, and move on positively.
If we live in denial that we are in an off mood, we will never be able to make positive changes to get out of it. We all have our off days or days where we are stuck inside due to uncontrollable circumstances. If we start to see and feel we are in a weird state, we can start by noticing it and accepting it. When I say accepting it, I do not mean to say you need to roll over and allow this feeling to control you. Accept that it is okay to feel this way, but we don't want to stay in the state forever. You can and will change your mood for the better. Notice, accept, and move on from this feeling.
2. This is out of your control.
The current situation I am in, and possibly many of you are in, is that we are stuck inside due to the weather. We cannot control the weather. There are days I wish I could snap my fingers and the weather would instantly be sunny and 75 (queue up the song by Joe Nichols). Unfortunately, I am not in control of the weather, neither are you, and neither are the weather men and woman. Please do not throw your hands up and say "it's out of my control, there is nothing that can be done to shake this feeling" because there is something that can be done to take advantage of this time while you are stuck inside or experiencing a down feeling. We can learn a lot about ourselves if we stop and see how we are choosing to respond to things outside of our control. This year one of my goals has been to eliminate stress from my life as much as possible. Learning to respond positively to things that are truly out of my control and flip my thoughts from negative to positive is a way I let go of stress over things out of my hands. You can do this too, so please do.
3. Take advantage of the time you have been given.
Yes, you have been granted this time inside. You have been given another day on this glorious planet we call Earth. Yes, mother nature can be ridiculous sometimes, but we can use our time wisely and get ahead today to set ourselves up for a better day tomorrow.
4. Move around and exercise if you can.
Some of us might have the luxury of owning workout equipment in our living quarters. If you do, please exercise. Get up and move around. I know it is VERY tempting to stay sedentary all day and sulk. I feel you. I know it is so easy to throw on the television and stay there all day with a quart of ice cream. If you do this, think of how you will feel at the end of the day and even tomorrow. You will not thank yourself for this. If you are healthy and able to move around, please do. If you want to sit in front of the television, that is your personal choice, but I highly suggest even doing some passive movement such as stretching. If you are like Trevor and I and do not have workout equipment in our home, you can still work out and be active. You don't even need a yoga mat to get up and move around. Feel free to do some sit ups, push ups, crunches, or another ab activity right on your floor. Maybe you walk up and down the stairs a few times, do fifteen jumping jacks, complete twenty rounds of Sun A (for my yogi's and yogini's out there), or do five minutes of high knees. Do something to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. It doesn't need to be anything fancy or noteworthy, just do something active. You have been gifted this day, so move around and see how your mood shifts.
5. Listen to something positive.
This can be your favorite music or podcast. I do this all of the time. On days I wake up and need to shake myself out of the funk, I throw on my jam or favorite podcast. If you are not currently a podcast listener, I would highly suggest looking into it. There are so many amazing podcasts out there on every topic under the sun (or under the snow in our case currently). Notice how listening to something uplifting changes you to feel better.
6. Check some tasks off your to-do list.
We all have our to-do lists. You might be someone who writes it down, has it stored in your phone, or even saved in your mind. If you are stuck inside and there are tasks that can be done to check off your list, do them. Clean the bathroom, sweep the floors, clean out that junk drawer you have been saving for "a rainy day". The tasks can be small or large. Use this time to provide yourself some relief and get ahead on indoor chores.
7. Minimize!
Some of you might have seen this one coming! Part of this blog is dedicated to minimalism, so I had to include something so near and dear to my heart in this post. Use this time stuck indoor to go through your drawers and closets. Pull out your items and start sorting through your physical items. Separate them out into five piles:
1. items you love and that you wear and feel good in.
2. Items you want to keep but aren't entirely sure as to why.
3. Items you like, but might not fit perfectly anymore or items you don't feel good in.
4. Items that you can separate with right now that can be donated.
5. Items that are not in good physical condition that can be thrown away.
When you are done going through one area, give yourself a minute to appreciate your minimalism efforts and notice how much lighter you feel.
I love time I can part with items that are holding me down, so use this time to minimize away. Don't feel like you have to stop at one closet or space. Feel free to purge your entire house if you feel up to it!
8. Make something.
This can be an art or craft, or it can be cooking. If there is a recipe you have been wanting to try, give it a go. Make sure you have all of the materials needed for the craft, art, or recipe before you start. Use the time inside to create something you are proud of. You can even combine this option with number five and put on your favorite music or podcast! This option can also be doing something for yourself or using this time indoors as a moments for self care. Take a bath with some candles, cut and paint your nails, do that face mask you have been waiting to try. Do something to take care of yourself today.
9. Read a magazine, book, or even a blog.
Is there a magazine or book that has been on your coffee table or shelf for too long. Crack that bad boy open! Enjoy the content inside that you have been wanting to consume while you are indoors. If there is a blog, this one or another one, that you are wanting to catch up on, use this time to read the past posts or read the ones that are sitting in your inbox. Use this time to expand your mind and grow internally. It's a beautiful option even if you are not stuck indoors, so use this option anytime.

Last, but certainly not least, connect. If you live with others, talk to them. Have a conversation, play a board game, or complete one of the above options together. If you do not currently live with others, feel free to give someone a call. Is there someone you have been meaning to reconnect with? Write someone a hand written note and put it in the mailbox to send out. The time spent indoors can be used to reconnect and strengthen your relationship with yourself and others.
Thank you all so much for reading this weeks post.
Be sure to subscribe to receive blog posts right to your personal email. All you have to do is click the "subscribe" button located in the top right hand corner of this post. It takes less than thirty seconds to do. I promise you will only receive the blog content and no junk mail.
I would greatly appreciate your continued readership.
Stay dry and warm my beautiful readers. Have a great week!
Subscribe, comment, share.
Together, we rise. One breath at a time.
Make a difference, light the way, share your story today.
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