Tea Time with Rosie

Hello wonderful readers,

It is the first Monday in June! WHATTTTT?!?! May came and went so fast!! I cannot believe this year is almost already to the halfway point!

I hope you are all enjoying June thus far, I know it's only four days in, but, June is my birthday month and it also means we are going to get official summer weather here in Wisco! So, I hope you are all as excited as I am!! If you aren't, I hope you are getting excited!

I did something recently that I manifested several months ago and I am so excited to blog about it this week. I was fortunate enough to be invited on the Radically Loved Podcast with Rosie Acosta!! I have listened to this podcast for the past year and a half and I have consumed all of the wisdom and information that has been shared through Rosie and her amazing guests.

Let's take a few steps back before I dive into my experience with being on my first ever podcast. I was not always a consumer of podcasts. Two years ago you would have not caught me listening to any podcasts, ever! We discussed this platform in college when I studied communication, but I had not researched or dipped my toe (or ears rather) into the podcast pool. :) When I thought of podcasts, I thought of something similar to the radio with lots of commercials and just only a little bit of useful content.

Well, I am sure eating my words now! While I was off of work healing after treatment and other symptoms in relation with my Multiple Sclerosis, my amazing husband, Trevor, suggested I listen to podcasts to help occupy my mind. I had blurry vision, which can be a symptom with MS patients, and reading was not an option, so I needed a different creative outlet to expand my mind. I took Trevor's suggestion of podcasts and began doing research for some topics I enjoyed: yoga, health, wellness, spirituality, meditation, minimalism, real life stories, and anything else that might spark my interest and guide my thoughts in the right direction.

To my surprise, I found so many different podcast shows my phone wouldn't be able to store them all. So I started small, I picked a few shows and listened to several episodes to try them out. My first ever podcast I listened to was, you guessed it, Radically Loved with Rosie. Hearing her story and knowing we had similar interests made me feel like I was just listening in to a friend and confidant.

The Radically Loved Podcast also has guests that would come on who had their own podcasts, or authors, or motivational speakers, which helped me grow my podcast library and other interests while I was off of work.

I began listening to podcasts whenever I could. From when I would wake up to when I would take naps throughout the day (Yup, I am an avid napper. The fatigue with MS is no joke, so I take naps whenever I feel my body needs it. I will share another in depth post on this in the near future.)

My love for podcasts grew exponentially as did my interest in being on one someday.

So, I started to manifest my desire to be on one. I wrote it down and said specifically "I will be on a podcast". I didn't say might, maybe, someday, wish, or any other word of uncertainty. I wrote it down and this desire manifested.

Rosie created a segment on her podcast called "Tea Time" where she invited her listeners to contact her and send in a tea time request. I saw this call of potential listener guests and I jumped on the opportunity. I felt something telling me to submit an email request to her to make my dream come true.

I sent the email request to Rosie with the content I wanted to discuss over tea with her on her podcast. A few weeks later, she reached out to me over Instagram message.

My heart skipped a beat when I read her message and I thought to myself "This is really happening, right now! How amazing is this!!" The power of manifesting is real my friends!

Rosie and I were able to find a date and a time, after we both had some crazy schedule conflicts and unexpected circumstances come up, but we found a time to connect and we recorded our podcast.

If you have not listened to the Radically Loved Podcast or heard the episode I recorded with Rosie, check it out on I-tunes or anywhere podcasts can be consumed!
My personal one is episode 157 - Tea Time with Jenny Tanck.

I would love to have you listen to our conversation and share it with anyone who needs to hear the words expressed. I left a piece of my heart on that recording, so please listen and let me know your thoughts.
Feel free to leave a comment below or contact me directly. :)

I will not deceive you, I was nervous to record this podcast. So nervous I mixed up my age! (Listen to the podcast to hear this in real time!) After I got my little mishap out of the way, I was able to shake the nerves and focus on the message I wanted to share. My intention during this podcast is to connect with other individuals who are traveling through their health journey. It can be Multiple Sclerosis, a different auto immune disorder, disease, or any other illness that is occurring in your life. Maybe you aren't going through it personally, but you have a loved one, family member, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, or anyone else in your life that is going through a health obstacle; this podcast is for you.

I have already received several messages from individuals who listened to the podcast and thanked me for the message. This is the whole reason I share my story, for you, yes you. It has little to do with me and everything to do with you. Sharing has served as a therapeutic coping mechanism for me, but I really love the connection and healing piece it has for us all.

Now that I have manifested being on one amazing podcast, I have written down a new desire of mine to be on another one and spread the message to others who are willing to listen.
As always, I appreciate each and every one of you for your love, support, and willingness to keep this platform open and positive.

I hope you enjoy the podcast and feel the love radiating out of my words and soul.

Stay tuned next week when I share my favorite podcasts to listen to which have positively impacted my life thus far!

As always. have a beautiful week everyone!

Subscribe, comment and share.
Together, we rise. One breath at a time.

P.S. There is some exciting changes come up on our blog in the near future, so stay tuned!


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