Soulfully Speaking

Hello wonderful readers,

Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a wonderful week last week!
After a week of vacation, limited internet access, and quality time with family, I am feeling very refreshed and ready to take on the upcoming weeks!

I have been sharing at the end of every post recently, "P.S. stay tuned for some exciting news coming up on the blog!!"

I am ready to share what the exciting news is!!! For a few months now I have been contemplating re-branding the blog and moving it to another platform. With the help of my very talented friend, Becca, I was able to make this change come true!

Drum roll please, Ms. Minimalist Yogini will be moving to!!!!!!
I have moved all of the past content to the new website so you can go back into the archives to read your favorite posts.
I will be posting new content on Soulfully Speaking, so please head over there now and make sure to subscribe by clicking the little black button on the left side or scroll to the bottom of the page. I would love to have everyone who is subscribed to this blog transition over to Soulfully Speaking.

Some of you might be asking why move the blog?
This platform seems to be doing just fine, I have been blogging on here for more than a year, why change?
Very valid, good questions.
I wanted to move to Soulfully Speaking to take away labels and titles. Ms. Minimalist Yogini served a beautiful purpose, but I have written on here multiple times that I am not my diagnosis, I am not the label of a minimalist, and I am not the label of yogini. These are different "hats" I wear and titles that seem to surface more often than others, but these labels should not and do not define me. 

My intention on this blog was to create a safe space and platform for me to share and connect with like minded individuals. I have done this on this platform, but I feel I have somewhat boxed myself in and limited myself by the blog's title and labels I chose to place as the "face" of this blog.

Moving to Soulfully Speaking allows me to strip away the labels and show my intention right away in the "title" of our new platform.
I say "our" new platform because this is a collective community space you have all helped create. I cannot thank you enough for being with me during this journey here on the Ms. Minimalist Yogini, and I hope we all make this smooth transition to!!!

Be on the look out for next week's post which will be on the new platform at Soulfully Speaking!

As always, thank you for being here.
Together we rise, one breath at a time.

P.S. Happy two year wedding anniversary to my amazing husband, Trevor! You will forever be my always.

P.P.S. The gorgeous logos were created by Becca, so be sure to look her up and if you are in the market for any digital marketing, show her some love!


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